Thursday, October 10, 2013

Christmas Prepping

Good morning crafters and sewers alike.  Yes I realize that it is 6 am. that's when my best thinking is done;)  Came home from work last night and finished my husband's Christmas stocking!  So excited to have it finished.
Frankie just loved it :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October Craft Club

I hope that everyone is having a bootiful day.  Tis the time of year that I love most!!!! Autumn/Christmas.. my craftiness emerges best and I bring the craft on.

This friday at craft club we will be doing the following projects. 

If you are interested in this beautiful paper and the inks I have a party open at and the hostess code is :XYWGJS77.  Or if you would like the instructions and supply list you can email me at and I will email you the pdf with instructions.

Happy Haunting.